Month: July 2023

Cast parts for different industries ⚙ 🔩

Cast parts for different industries ⚙ 🔩

We are producing investment cast parts for many industries, the example:– Automotive industry– Textile industry– Security lock parts– Defense industry– Train parts– Medical equipment parts– Sailing industry– Chemical industryOur specialities are the stainless-, heat resisting-, tool-, structural-, plain carbon- and low alloyed steels. #plasmaterm #foundry #investmentcasting #molten #metal #steel #cast #parts #professional #work #parts #quality […]

Where quality matters!

Where quality matters!

We provide test certificate with all the requested data (composition, mechanical properties, surface quality and dimensional accuracy) is issued with every delivery (standard delivery includes quality certification). #plasmaterm #investmentcasting #foundry #materialtesting #test #certificate #wecastyourdreams #wherequalitymatters #quality #industriallife

We Cast Your Dreams

We Cast Your Dreams

🏭💯🔥 Our foundry has a monthly capacity of 4-4.5 tons, which means that small and medium series are our specialty. Complicated parts that require high precision are no problem for our team either. #foundry #investmentcasting #molten #metal #steel #cast #parts #tons #professional #work #casted #parts #quality #wecastyourdreams