Category: Factory

We Cast Your Dreams

We Cast Your Dreams

Our foundry has a monthly capacity of 4-4.5 tons, which means that small and medium series are our specialty. Complicated parts that require high precision are no problem for our team either.Through our mechanical machining processes, we obtain and ensure quality finished products (drilling holes, cleaning surfaces from debris, cutting threads, machining the critical dimensions, […]

We Cast Your Dreams

We Cast Your Dreams

Our foundry has a monthly capacity of 4-4.5 tons, which means that small and medium series are our specialty. Complicated parts that require high precision are no problem for our team either.Through our mechanical machining processes, we obtain and ensure quality finished products (drilling holes, cleaning surfaces from debris, cutting threads, machining the critical dimensions, […]

Quality test certificate

Quality test certificate

Plasmaterm additionally inherited the experience of a former research institute, therefore it has all the possibilities to do material testing and analysis.We can do a composition analysis of used materials with a spectrometer.A test certificate with all information (composition, mechanical properties, surface quality and dimensional accuracy) can be requested for every delivery. #plasmaterm #investmentcasting #foundry […]

Wax patterns

Wax patterns

Green wax is an essential material in investment casting, a precision technique for creating intricate metal parts. Its pliable nature allows engineers to craft highly detailed wax patterns using molds. These green wax patterns are then coated in ceramic shell, melted out, and replaced with molten metal, resulting in accurate and finely-detailed final products. #plasmaterm […]

We Cast Your Dreams

We Cast Your Dreams

🏭💯🔥 Our foundry has a monthly capacity of 4-4.5 tons, which means that small and medium series are our specialty. Complicated parts that require high precision are no problem for our team either. #foundry #investmentcasting #molten #metal #steel #cast #parts #tons #professional #work #casted #parts #quality #wecastyourdreams

Idependence day celebration 2023

Idependence day celebration 2023

On 28 June, our team was invited to participate in the Independence Day celebration at the US Embassy in Bucharest. We are deeply honoured to have been invited to such a prestigious event together with other prominent participators who have a great connection to the United States. We are really grateful for that. #plasmaterm #investmentcasting […]